Misha Petriychuk was born in Kyrgizstan (Asian part of USSR) on 8 February, 1981. Around 1997 Misha began to work with Corel Xara—the first computer program that he could use for real work.
Anthony Noa is a fine artist who learned to paint in the classical way. He is also a former ballet dancer who now uses Xara as an artistic outlet and a training tool.
Cole is the owner of Squidz Ink Design, which is beginning its third year of operation. The bulk of SID’s work is web based design, logo design and a gradual build of print design.
A native of Slovenia, this month’s featured artist left a job as an elementary school teacher to pursue a (successful) career in design and illustration.
Visitors to the Xara Gallery will be familiar with Bill Clegg’s memorable images. Included in Bill’s show is his Corel World Design Contest–winning entry Border Freedom and the hauntingly beautiful Dancer (shown here).
Launching year 2 is Featured Artist Gary W. Priester who besides being a moderator and maintainer of the XaraXone and Xara Conference is a designer, illustrator and author.