Select the duplicate iris circle and apply the same 2-color
Fractal Clouds fill. But this time leave the fill path arrows at a 90 degree angle and drag the center of the fill around until you have a pattern similar to the one shown top left. I doubt if you will get the exact same
pattern but basically we want a pattern that is darker in the center and lighter on the outside. Position the new circle over the iris and apply a Circular, Luminous, Transparency. (I have
moved the circle to the left so you can see the effect over white and over the colored area. The iris in the lower right shows the final effect. Now that looks more random and more like a real live iris. |
The cornea is a rounded, transparent lens that
sits on top of the iris and focuses images onto the retina in the inside, back portion of the eye. Because of its shape, the cornea reflects any light source it encounters. We'll add two highlights to the cornea to add
depth and glossiness. Create two circles as shown. Apply Circular, Mix Transparency to each. Reposition the center of the circular fill to the upper left portion of the highlights.
Add a 1.2 pixel feathering to each highlight by modifying the Change the size of the Feathering Region (Couldn't Xara just have called it Feathering?) slider on the top right portion of the Infobar. |
Finally, just as the pupil is not a hard shape,
neither is the outer edge of the iris a hard shape. We can add a 2 point circular outline and feather the outline to soften the edge of the iris. Draw an 86 pixel circle. Set the outline weight
to 2 points and the fill to none. Change the outline color to the color shown. Apply 2 pixels of feathering. Save your drawing and have a tiny morsel of something to eat. These tutorials are very
strenuous and burn a lot of calories! |