With the blend selected, select the Shape Editor Tool.
Drag a marquee (rectangle) around all of the circles so that all the control points are selected.
(The control points change from black to white with red outline when the points are selected).
Press the
Break at Points icon on the Infobar.
Using the Selector Tool, (the arrow) carefully drag a
rectangle around the areas shown in red to select just those arcs. Right click on the red color swatch on the screen palette to change the outline color.
Repeat this for the other three sections.
This will help us in the next step.
This is not as complicated as I have managed to make it appear. Delete all
but the red line from the outer circle. Moving clockwise, remove all but the light blue line from the next smaller circle. Continue working your way clockwise toward the center leaving the sections shown as solid lines and deleting
the segments shown dotted.
Marquee select all the lines and from the Set Line Width
drop down list on the Infobar, select 8 pt.
Open the Line Gallery (top right on the Infobar with the dotted line arrow icon). Change Butt Cap (what a nasty sounding name) to Round Cap, a more
pleasant name. This rounds the caps (the ends) of the line segments.