Made some duplicates of the dark blends so you have about 14 dark blends in all. For this step, we will work with the dark blends and the taller lines. Select the Blend Tool (w). Select one blend, then select one of the lines. (The Fit Blend to Curve option on the Infobar will now be enabled). Click the Fit Blend to Curve icon. Repeat for the other blends and lines. These will be the back row of fries.NOTE: I have made some of the fries shorter or taller to get more variety of height. Select a blend and drag the top center control point up or down to vary the height.After you have done this, randomly select some of the top end blend shapes (Hold down the Ctrl key and click at the end of the blend. It might be easier to switch to Outline View (Window > Quality > Outlines). Then copy and Edit > Paste in Place.Marquee select all of the darker fries and from the Arrange menu, select Create Bitmap Copy. Use the True Color + Alpha option and increase the Bitmap Resolution to 300dpi. Press Create.Randomly space out the second set of shorter lines.Make some duplicates of the lighter blends and attach them to the random lines. Make some taller and some shorter.Again, randomly select some of the top end blend shapes (Hold down the Ctrl key and click at the end of the blend. It might be easier to switch to Outline View (Window > Quality > Outlines). Then copy and Edit > Paste in Place.Hold down the Shift key and click on each of these duplicates. Switch to the Transparency Tool (F6). From the drop down list of Transparency Types on the Infobar, select Bleach. Move the Transparency slider to 30%.This creates some lighter colored tops for some of the lighter fries.Marquee select all of the lighter fries and from the Arrange menu, select Create Bitmap Copy. Use the True Color + Alpha option and increase the Bitmap Resolution to 300dpi. Press Create.Drag control pointto make talleror shorterCtrl click in Outline View to select a blend object.