The Xara Trompe L'Oeil Room  Page 4

Another welcome feature for Xara X is multiple color fountain fills.

Select the larger square, then select the Fill Tool. From the drop down list of context sensitive options on the Infobar, select Linear. Drag the ends of the fill path arrow as shown here. To set the starting and ending colors, click on the squares on either end of the fill path arrow, then click the desired color on the screen palette (Yellow Orange in this case for both.

To add colors, simply drag the color from the screen palette onto the fill path. You can add as many colors as you want. Add a gold color as shown and a pale yellow color just above it to create the appearance of a shiny yellow sign. If you need to reposition any of the colors on the fill path, drag them with the Fill Tool cursor. To edit any of the colors, click the small square on the fill path and then click the small color wheel icon to the left of the screen palette to open the Color Editor dialog. To remove a color on the fill path, hit your Delete key.

FOR THE RECORD: Users of other graphics software may be familiar with the drag and drop method of placing colors on the fill path or directly on an object. Xara was the first application to do this many, many versions ago.

To make the balloon and black outline shape look like they are also shiny we can recreate the same fill but change the colors to grays and black.

One easy way to do this is to copy the fill from the selected yellow square (Ctrl C or Edit > Copy) and then select the balloon and outline shape (that we joined) and Apply Attributes, (Shift Ctrl A or Edit > Paste Attributes). This copies the yellow sign's fill to the balloon and outline.

Now replace the colors on the fill path with black on top, 30% black for the light gray, black under this and 70% gray on the bottom. You will need to rearrange (drag) the middle two colors to match their counterparts on the yellow sign.

NOTE: Copying and Pasting Attributes transfers both fill colors and transparencies at one time unlike CorelDRAW which requires two separate operations.

Now is a good time to name and save your file and take a short eye break. I'll check my e-mail and meet you on the next plage.