The Xara Trompe L'Oeil Room  Page 2

We'll start in Xara 2 by creating a shape for a logo and some text.

We will be using Pixels for our units of measurement.

(Utilities > Options) From the Units tabbed section select Pixels and for Color Units , select 0-255.

In the Grid and Ruler section change the Major Spacing to 100pix and the Number of Subdivisions to 10.

Using the Ellipse Tool, hold down the Ctrl key and construct two circles to the sizes shown. Center align the circles using the Align menu (Arrange > Align).

In the Page Options section (Utilities > Options > General) set the Angle of Restraint is set to 15 degrees if it is not already set thus.

NOTE: To create your circle to the precise dimensions, select the circle and change the dimensions on the Infobar. Press Enter to apply the changes.

Select the two center-aligned circles and Join them (Arrange > Join). This creates a solid O-shape.

Construct a 10 x 30 pixel rectangle and center align it over the O-shape as shown.

Drag two guidelines to dissect the center of the O-shape. Click twice upon the rectangle to enable Rotate/Skew mode. Drag the rotation bulls eye to the intersection of the two guidelines. This relocates the rotation point.


Hold down the Ctrl key and drag one of the corner arrow handles clockwise until the rectangle rotates 15 degrees. Before you release the left mouse button, click the right mouse button to drop a duplicate. Repeat this until you have 7 rotated rectangles.