PopOut Pro uses the grayscale information to determine the depth of the hidden 3D image. In terms of front (closest to the viewer) and back
(farthest from the viewer) white is in front and black is in back. The shades of gray fall in between.
Looking at the depth image shown here, you can get a pretty good idea
how the hidden image will look. In the depth image to the right, the hidden image will appear as if we are looking straight down onto the top of a pyramid.
PopOut Pro modifies the texture of the colorfield image very subtly to hide the 3D image within the pattern. Furthermore, through the use of a sophisticated algorithm, the sections of the images are arranged so that
each eye sees a slightly different image which our brains interpret as 3 Dimensional.
Confused? Not to worry, we'll let PopOut Pro do all that algorithm stuff. Were artists, not mathematicians.