A Vintage Vector Burgundian Wine Bottle
There is something very pleasing about the shape of a Burgundian wine bottle and something very sensual about the way the dark glass reflects the scene around it. In this month's Xtreme tutorial, we'll create a
wine bottle for a fictitious winery along with a magical reflection of a nearby scene. This tutorial has 35 steps and is recommended for users with some experience with Xara Xtreme or with similar vector drawing
programs. Diligent new users should be able to get through the tutorial as well. If you have any questions or need help, refer to the send e-mail link on the last page to send me your questions or requests.
The animation highlighting the key steps in this month's tutorial shown above was created with Xara On-Line Book Flip Effect from Xara Online. These effects are very effective and easy to add to your Xtreme and Web Designer sites. Xara makes this site possible
so it would be nice if you just went to the page and had a look see. Thanks.

A Word from Our Sponsor:
Xara makes several graphics products and all of them are fun and easy to use. And Xara makes this site possible so it would be nice if you just went to these pages and had a look see. Thanks.
You are probably aware of Xara Xtreme but have you downloaded Xara Xtreme Pro? All the tutorials in this Workbook are done in Xtreme Pro, so if you don't have it, get it now.
 Click here to download your FREE trial version or to upgrade to Xara Xtreme Pro today!
Here are some other products made by Xara and links to the Xara.com Website.
- Xara Web Designer Xara's dedicated web site creation application. Now creating an
impressive, first rate website is as easy as Xara!
- Xara Menu Maker Create professional graphical NavBars and DHTML menus in an instant
with Xara Menu Maker - no technical or design skills required. (And Xara does all of the heavy lifting!)
- Xara Screenmaker 3D A 3D screensaver maker that's fast, fun and easy to use. Create
animated 3D text or tumbling picture cube screensavers. (This application will make you a hero in your office or home. And it is embarrassingly inexpensive!)
- Xara 3D-6 Xara 3D is the Number 1 tool for creating stunning, professional-quality 3D
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- Xara 3D Heading Maker Add this great interactive tool to your web site and let your visitors make 3D graphics online.
- Xara Online Web pages stand out with Xara Online's state-of-the-art web page add
-ons. Choose graphics, text and photo effects, or advanced applications, all fully-customizable and on your site in minutes.
- BuyFonts.Com All designers need fonts - get yours for as little as $2 US. Question: Is
life a contest to see how few fonts you can use? With low prices and high quality fonts that you get at BuyFonts.com, do you need to ask?
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©2009 Gary W. Priester Tutorials are for private use only. No text or images may be used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the author.