Creating a Simple Animation This exercise will not get you a
job at Disney Studios, but it will show you how the animation process works. Because most animations end up (for better or worse) on a web page, it's best to change your units to Pixels. Pixels (as opposed to pixies)
represent the smallest element a screen can display. In the immortal words of David Mathewman, a pixel is a pixel is a pixel. (He really said that). In essence, a pixel will be the same size on any screen depending on
the screen resolution. The higher the monitor resolution (1600 x 1200 or 1024 x 768 vs. 640 x 480), the smaller the pixel.On the other hand, a fraction of a pixel is not a pixel, is not a pixel, is not a pixel, and
can result in nettlesome faint outlines around an image. To avoid these vexing fractional pixels, it is best to work in even, not fractional pixels. OK, you sold me. How? |