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Lightning Storm Over the Mesas - Xara Xtreme Tutorial

Apply the stroke shapes as indicated. If your lightning lines are not the same as mine, use your imagination. The basic idea is to have heavy lines branching out to lighter lines.


Lightning Storm Over the Mesas - Xara Xtreme Tutorial

Apply flat fills to the distant mesa, the middle ground, and the roof and chimney. Mix your colors in the Color Editor (Ctrl e) > RGB Color Model mode. If your values are shown in percentage (%) instead of 0-255, change your Color Units to 0-255 (Utilities > Page Options > Units > Color Units > 0-255).


Lightning Storm Over the Mesas - Xara Xtreme Tutorial

Select the larger rectangle (the sky) and select the Fill Tool (F5). From the drop down list of Fill Types on the Infobar, select Circular.

Drag the center of the fill to the upper right corner of the sky. Drag the end of the fill path arrow down until it almost touches the mesa as shown. Click on the center control point (the small square at the beginning of the fill path arrow) and mix the pale violet color shown in the Color Editor (Ctrl e). Select the control point at the end of the fill path and apply the deeper color.


Lightning Storm Over the Mesas - Xara Xtreme Tutorial

Select any of the windows, zoom in close so you are close up on the windows, then switch to the Fill Tool (F5). From the Fill Type drop down list on the top left area of the Infobar, select Circular.

Drag the center of the fill downward towards the bottom of the window. Click on either of the small squares at the ends of the fill path arrow and edit the colors as shown in the Color Editor.

Copy the fill (Ctrl c) to the clipboard. Select the other two window shapes and Edit > Paste Attributes or press Shift Ctrl a. This is how you copy and attribute from one object to another.

Select the three shapes shown in pink on the large mesa and join them into one shape (Arrange > Join Shapes).