i/us -- The June 98 Salon Page 15

All of the frames except the last frame use an un-filled outline of the logo and type, which as you can see on the example on the left, creates a blurry image. In the final frame, I pasted a duplicate of the logo, filled black with no outline on top. (I colored half of the duplicate pink so you could see how it fits over the blurred version) and sharpens the logo while leaving a bluish glow all around).

This animation uses eight frames. Because of the blurred images, the animation requires dithering and creates a much larger file size (40K) per frame than the simpler animations shown in the previous examples.

Well, that's it. It's enough isn't it? As usual questions, comments, and even criticisms are welcomed in the Talk Room, or you can click here to send me e-mail -- I always enjoy knowing that one or two of you are actually doing these tutorials -- or contracts for the major motion picture to be produced based upon these tutorials! Until next month, I take leave of you, and my senses.

Gary Wayne Priester
Your Host

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