i/us -- The February 97 Salon Page 10

Now the magic! Place the heart parts over the marble background. Select the top edge and Apply a Flat Transparency, Mix 50%. Select the white heart and Apply a Linear, Mix Transparency. Drag the Linear directional arrow as shown in the center of the heart. Click on the arrow’s top square and change the slider setting to 50%. The bottom setting should be 100%. Apply a Flat, Stained Glass Transparency, 50% to the bottom edge. Construct two circles and Arrange-Join them as shown in the white inset. Draw a V shape. Select the V and the circle and from Arrange, Select Combine Shapes, Slice Shapes. Delete the larger portion. Fill this arc shape white and Apply a Circular Transparency, Bleach 40%. Position the center of the circular transparency toward the upper portion.

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