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Ivan's animal and vegitable brushes

New from the Brushmeister, Ivan Louette, a collection of what Ivan calls his Animal and Vegetable Brush Shapes. Click Here to download this collection. (55K)

For more of Ivan’s free, cool brush shapes visit Ivan Louette’s Art page.

Judi's calico fillsHere at last! Judi’s Fills II made available by Judi Assony. 7, count them, 7 fabulous fills for you to download. I like them all but my very favorite is Tulip Tapistry (lower left side of the circle).

Click Here to download Judi’s Fills #2. (154K)


eternatease brushesFlash forward to the 1970s with this new sampler set of 9 Psychedelic fills from eternatease.

Click Here to download the Zipped file (120K)

For more cool fills from eternatese visit the eternatease home page.

copper and chrome brushesNew for July The chome and copper tubing brush set.

Click Here to download the Zipped file (7K)

more calixo fillsTo inaugurate the new Fills and Brushes section, we have the first of two sets of Calico fill images created by Judi Assony.

Follow the instructions in the first paragraph to install these fills.

NOTE: Some of the thumbnail images may show up as gray squares. The fills are there, just click on the gray squares and press Fill or Import to see the image.

calico fills 1These fills can be used to create a patchwork quilt effect like the one Judi had used in her Calico Cat image above.

Click Here to download Set #1. (240K)

creepy worms and bubble brushesThe Creepy Crawly Worm Brush and Bubble set. Unzip the Zipped file and open the document in Xara. The new worm brushes will appear in the the Line Gallery > New Brush Strokes section. Select a path and apply a worm brush or bubbles. To make the worm or bubbles fatter or slimmer, modify the line width.

These brushes are semi-transparent and will look different over different color backgrounds. Click Here to download the Zipped file (23K).

glass beads and eyeballs brushNot to be outdone by the BrushMeister himself, Ivan Louette, I’ve created my own set of Glass Bead Brushes. To use these brushes, download and unzip the file and place it in your Xara/Templates folder. The from the file menu, select New... Glass Brushes. Select a line and apply the brushes. You can adjust the Line width and edit the brushes if you wish. Click Here to download the template.

NOTE: Create a line with the Freehand Tool then from the drop down list of Existing Brushes, scroll down to the bottom of the list and you will find these brush shapes.

Joel's Cool Fills Set 1NEW! Joel Schilling’s Cool Fills Set #1. 33 tiling pattern fills that load into the Fill Gallery. Instructions are included in the READ-ME.TXT file. CLICK HERE to download the fills (415K)

For more Free fill sets visit Joel’s Web Site.

Ivan's Brushes Ivan Louette, February’s Featured Xara Artist, has made available for free two sets of custom brush strokes and a series of nine rose outlines for your downloading pleasure.Ivan's Rose Clip Art



Ivan’s Brush Sets #3
and #4


Click here to go to Ivan’s page where you can get more information and download these splendid collections.



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