Page 6


Step 15 Select the water blend and give it a Linear, Lighten transparency; slightly offset to the top-right. Make the blend 0% transparent at the waterline and 100% at the bottom of the paper.

Step 16 All the elements in the image have the same color intensity, so add some variations to each of them, with an additional object.

Hold down the Alt key and click twice on basic elements of the picture (e.g. land, vegetation, rock) to select the underlying shape and Clone it (Ctrl + K). Give the clone a black-colored Flat fill and then apply a Linear transparency.

Repeat for all remaining elements.

Step 17 To add more color to the picture, Clone each basic shape again. Nudge (using the arrow keys on your keyboard) them towards the center of the picture (use the Ctrl key and arrow keys to nudge one step up and to the side).

Next, use the edit handles to skew the shapes back to their original position. Copy different Three Color fill from the existing shapes and paste them to the new clones.

Use Move Backwards (Ctrl + Shift + B ) to make them the back-most shapes.

Step 18 Add more color by creating ovals and QuckShapes here and there in the image and copy existing fills to them.