Y2K? Why Not! Y2K. It's all we've been hearing about for the past two or three years. And now, for better or worse, it's here!So it seems fitting that we
start off the new year and the new millennium (two l's and 2 n's), with a tribute to the Year 2000. I'm hopeful that if you're seeing this tutorial, that you haven't been affected too badly by
Y2K problems. But one way or the other, I'd like to hear what is happening around this crazy planet. After you finish the tutorial, take a moment to fill out the evaluation form and then tell me
how the new year is treating you. So far! Have you submitted your questionnaire so you can qualify for the drawing for one of 6 Free copies of Xara 3 (when it's released)? If not, Click Here to go to the Xara 3 Questionnaire page.