©Steve Newport
Interior Architectural Design was my focus for my AP Portfolio this year.
I basically designed the interior of a beach house in my head and spent the next several months evolving those ideas and bringing them to canvas. The process I went about doing all this was first sketching
out every idea that came to mind as I worked through the project so no idea would be lost. Then I would work out all the perspective issues in Xara X and design the entire scene within the program. I then would
export a black & white high resolution image to Photoshop where I'd apply a "Multiply Blend" to the layer so the white would be transparent and the black outline would remain solid.
I would select the white sections of the image using the Magic Wand Tool and I'd paint under that layer. I created 7 images this way to combine with about 20 other pieces of art.
I ended up getting a 4 out of a possible 5 points on the portfolio. You can go here to view the entire project
 ©Steve Newport
Here is the outline view of the image