The Xara Xone Workbook - The best, easy and fun Xara X tutorials

The Xara Xone Workbook
The Workbook #30
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Edited by Gary W. Priester Number 30 • October 15, 2004

Covered in this month's Workbook: A New Users Quick Start Guide

In this edition, we will cover the very basics needed to get started in Xara X.

In the Xara Xone this Month

The October Xara X tutorial creates a container of Xara GEL pump soap. Risto Klint revisits his Getting Noticed by Google in the October Guest Tutorial. The October Featured Artist Gallery features the next of our 4 artist Group Shows. Included in the Group Show are: Aram Alvarez, Bill Taylor, John Rayner and Paul Söderholm. If you would like to be considered for one of the group shows, e-mail me and let me know where I can see a few of your images.

John Horn, (covoxer in the Xara Conference) has just released a new product, Xeus (pronounced Zeus) that is a powerful bitmap editor that lets you paint on bitmaps as well as edit them. It is a Photoshop compatible filter that works right in Xara X1 (and previous versions as well) so there is no need to jump to Photoshop any more. It has many features missing in XPE including a Levels dialog, and a Saturation and Hue adjustment, brushes and more. You can download Xeus and get more information at Xeus is Shareware, which means you can try it for 7 days for free. If you like Xeus and decide to License it, you will need to purchase a license from John. It is well worth the modest fee and by supporting Xeus, you ensure future versions with new features. I highly recommend you give it a try.

Judi Assony has created a cool template for making an envelope for sending a card or photo. You can find it in the Templates Page. I am accepting your contributions (Tips, Brushes, Templates, stuff like that). I'm starting to run out of ideas and could use your input. If your site has Xara graphics and is not listed, send me your link and a brief description of how you have used Xara on your site.


Xara has designed 11 free business sets for Xara X¹ owners, which include letterheads, compliment slips, and business cards. They're all completely editable in Xara X¹ - and of course they are set up with linked colors - so you can create your own beautifully laid out, color co-ordinated business sets in minutes.

Visit to see examples of each of the 11 themes shown below.



You can download the new Bizz Sets straight into the Xara X¹ ClipArt Gallery - simply click the 'Get clipart' button in the Gallery and a new folder called 'Business Pack' will appear.

For more information or to preview the 11 BIZZ SETS, visit

The Xara Tutorials, On-line Xara X Manual
and WebXealot CD. The perfect way to ease into Spring!

Dozens of you have asked your editor (still me hanging in there—by a thread) over the years for a CD containing the Xara Tutorials, WebXealots, and On-line Xara X Manual. Well thanks to Grant E. Remington, all this (and more) is available on a CD in Adobe PDF (Adobe's Portable Document File) file format for easy viewing and printing! (Hold your applause, please).

Grant has provided an Adobe Acrobat reader on the CD for those of you who may not have one, for viewing the PDF files. Xara Ltd. has included a folder of 19 cool fonts, not available on the Xara X CD, as well as trial copies of Xara Webstyle and Xara 3D 4. If you have never tried Xara 3D 4 you are in for a treat with this incredibly easy to use 3D and animation creation application.

So where do you order your CD and what is it going to cost? Click Here to go to Grant's site to place your order. The price for the CD which includes everything; Xara Tutorials from 1996 - 2001, WebXealots 1-35, including #s 16-35 the on-line Xara X manual, the fonts, the trial versions, the Acrobat reader, the whole enchilada, is $20.00 US which includes free shipping in the USA. The cost outside the USA and Canada is $22.00 US and also included shipping. A great price if I do say so myself.

For a small additional fee, Grant can print your own label design if you decide that you don't like all the worms featured on my handsome label design. So don't delay, order your CD today ! And order several for your friends and relatives!

Thanks to all of you who have already ordered (and received) your copies. If you have not ordered yours, as they say in the TV commercials, there will never be a better time to buy!


©2004 Gary W. Priester, All rights reserved. No portion of this publication,
including the illustrations contained within, may be reproduced in any way
without the express written permission of the author.


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