Eric Bramhill -- Guest Tutorial  Page 2

Select all (should be 2 objects) Arrange / Combine shapes / Slice. Hit delete. This extracts the inlet shape from the coastline shape.

Did it work? It should have. If not use Xara's best tool, the undo tool, and repeat the above.

That's all the seaward objects created. Now we need to look at the lakes etc. inland,

Set the line colour to GREEN.

Zoom into the first lake. Trace around it's shoreline until its a closed shape.

There's a smaller lake towards the top right corner. Trace this as well. Now you've completed both lakes.

TIP: Open the names gallery. Open the USED COLOURS folder. Click the empty circle next to GREEN. The circle turns red and Xara automatically selects any shape using GREEN as a colour (LINE or FILL). The only 2 objects we have using GREEN are the 2 lakes so these are selected. Ctrl-G to group the lakes.

The above method hasn't got a lot of advantage over shift-selecting in this case but it can be very useful if you've created a lot of shapes you wish to select several objects in a vast sea of shapes.

Now Select all (should be 2 groups) / Combine shapes / Slice. Delete. Nothing really much will appear to have happened.

Select all (should be one group). Set LINE colour to black, FILL colour to a very pale green.






The land should now appear as one block, with the lakes as holes and the bitmap visible behind.

Open the layers gallery and make the 10SEA layer visible.





You can see you're now well on your way with the map.

I'm going to have a beer now, so you can go and have a coffee. The next bit's very simple but effective, so I need you sober!

You're back.

Okay set 10SEA & COAST layers to not visible not editable, so just the BITMAP layer is visible but not editable.

Create a new layer and rename it TRUNK RDS (GREEN) (or MOTORWAYS or INTERSTATES whatever)

TIP: You can rearrange layers in the layers gallery's layer stack by select-dragging them up or down if there not in the correct position. We want the TRUNK RDS (GREEN) layer on top.

Now on my map the trunk roads are green. (That's why I also gave it the GREEN name in brackets, as were going to have 4 road layers eventually and it makes it very simple to select the layer we want later).

Zoom into a reasonable work area of green road and with the LINE colour set to a distinct colour that will stand out from the bitmap below, trace the line of the trunk road. Do this for all the green sections of road on the map.