For a more aged copper look, use a duller copper Linear-filled circle instead
of the bright copper conical fill.
The results are tubular.
And that is all for today boys and girls.
Your feedback is important so that your host knows that there are one or two persons out there actually reading and doing the tutorials which take your editor a fair amount of time
and effort to create.
Please use the form on the next page to send me your comments and suggestions for things you would like to see covered in the months to come.
Your responses are private and I do not share these with anyone, except possibly one or two of the glowing complimentary ones with Xara which helps to secure my future employment.
NOTE: Because of the incredible amount of SPAM and virus infected mail I have
been receiving of late, I am using a program called MailWasher with which I can send suspicious messages back to their senders, unopened and unread.
Unfortunately, I have also bounced back some mail from your patient readers. If you are sending me personal e-mail, please include Xara somewhere in the
subject line so I will know not to bounce it back to the sender.
Gary W. Priester Your Host