Index of all Workbook Topics in Alphabetical Order
Workbook 92 Best Tips and Tricks from the Xara Xone Zipped File (2.47 MB)
Workbook 91 Special Edition - e-Commerce Zipped File (4.48 MB)
Workbook 90 The Basics of Website Design Zipped File (12.6 MB)

Special Edition Workbook 89 May 25, 2011 Zipped file (3.39 MB)
Workbook 88 REVISED 18 APRIL Zipped File (2.67 MB) REVISED 18 APRIL
- Creating XaraPoint Presentations
- Viewer Guided Presentations
- Automatic Presentations
- Webinars (Hosted Presentations)

Special Edition Workbook 87 Zipped File (6.75 MB)
- SuperWidgets
- Presentation Websites
- Layer and Page Transition Effects
- Magic Snap Object Alignment System
- Improved Streamlined UI
- favicons, automatic site map, Explore Web Space and more

Workbook 86 February 15 2010 Zipped Version (5.25MB)
WorkbooK 85 September 15 2010 Focus on Xara Web Designer 6 Zipped Version (2.6MB)
Workbook 84 July 15 2010 Focus on Xara Web Designer 6 Zipped Version (3.8MB)

Workbook 83 June 15 2010 Xara Designer Pro 6 - First Look Zipped Version (4.7 MB)
Workbook 82 May 2010 Focus on Xara Web Designer 6 Zipped Version (2.8MB)

Workbook 81 March 25 2010 Xara Web Designer 6 First Look Zipped Version (11.83MB)
Workbook 80 February 15 2010 Xara Xtreme 5 and Xara Web Designer Zipped Version (1.73MB)
Workbook 79 October 15 2009) Xara Xtreme 5 and Xara Web Designer Zipped Version (1.45MB)
Workbook 78 August 15 2009) Xara Xtreme 5 and Xara Web Designer Zipped Version (1.17MB)
Workbook 77 June 15 2009) SPECIAL EDITION XARA XTREME 5.0 Zipped Version (1.2MB)
Workbook 76 (April 15 2009) WEB DESIGNER Zipped Version (719K)
Workbook 75 (March 1 2009) SPECIAL EDITION XARA WEB DESIGNER PREVIEW Zipped Version (908K)
Workbook 74 (February 1 2009) Zipped Version (2.04 MB)
Workbook 73 (December 1 2008) Zipped Version (1.35 MB)
Workbook 72 (October 15 2008) Zipped Version (1.2MB)
Workbook 71 (August 15 2008) FOCUS ON THE PHOTO TOOL Zipped Version (840K)
Workbook 70 (June 15 2008) THE LIVE EFFECTS TOOL IN DEPTH Zipped Version (1.48MB)
Workbook 69 (April 15 2008) SPECIAL HTML EDITION Zipped Version (955k)
Workbook 68 (April 1 2008) SPECIAL EDITION XARA XTREME AND XARA XTREME PRO 4.0 PREVIEW Zipped Version (773k)
Workbook 67 (February 15 2008) Zipped Version (2.8MB)
Workbook 66 (December 2007) Zipped Version (1.15MB)
Workbook 65 (November 2007) Zipped Version (697K)
Workbook 64 (October 2007) Zipped Version (1.13MB)
Workbook 63 (September 2007) Zipped Version (768K)
Workbook 62 (August 2007) Zipped Version (941K)
Workbook 61 (July 2007) Zipped Version (890K)
Workbook 60 (June 2007) Zipped Version (966K)

Workbook 59 (May 2007) Zipped Version (1.1MB)
Workbook 58 (April 2007) Zipped Version (880K)
Workbook 57 (March 2007) Zipped Version (1MB)
Workbook 56 (February 2007) Zipped Version (1.03MB)
Workbook 55 (January 2007) Zipped Version (780K)
Workbook 54 (December 2006) Zipped Version (1MB)
Workbook 53 (November 2006) The Xara Xtreme Pro Preview Edition Zipped Version (758K)
Workbook 52 (October 2006) Zipped Version (1.1MB)
Workbook 51 (September 2006) Zipped Version (945K)
Workbook 50 (August 2006) Zipped Version (795K)
Workbook 49 (July 2006) Zipped Version (932K)
Workbook 48 (June 2006) Zipped Version (668K)
Workbook 47 (May 2006) Zipped Version (626K)
Workbook 46 (April 2006) Zipped Version (1.07MB)
Workbook 45 (March 2006) Zipped Version (864K)
Workbook 44 (February 2006) Zipped Version (762K)
Workbook 43 (December 2005) Zipped Version (1.1MB)
- Editing Named Colors
- Exploring The Mold Tool
- Creating a Clipart Mold Folder
- The Live Effects Tool
- Stained Glass - The New Way
Workbook 42 (November 2005) Zipped Version (937K)
- Red Eye Removal
- Exporting a PDF/X Compatible File
- Resizing and Cropping in XPE
- 3D Bump Maps
- Creating a 2-Color Image with a Transparent Background
Workbook 41 (October 2005) Zipped Version (992K)
- Xara Xtreme Preview edition!!!
- A review of what is new and what is improved

Workbook 40 (September 2005) Zipped Version (630K) IT’S ALL ABOUT COLOR
- Defining Color Space
- 3 Different Color Wheels
- Colorful Combinations of Colors
- Working with Value and Saturation
- Editing Color with the Color Editor
Workbook 39 (August 2005) Zipped Version (853K)
- Making a Bitmap’s White Background Transparent
- Zeb’s Type Challenge #1
- Creating a 3D, Transparent Watermark
- Zeb’s Type Challenge #2 (Recreating the Blade movie text)
- And Even More Logos
Workbook 38 (July 2005) Zipped Version (672K)
- Anatomy of Type
- Creating a Certificate Border
- More Border Explorations
- My 10 Favorite TIPS
- More Logos
Workbook 37 (June 2005) Zipped Version (682K)
- Metallic Fills
- A Spiral Flower
- The Text Tool in Depth
- Metallic Logo Effects
Workbook 36 (May 2005) Zipped Version (1.06MB)
- Transparent Plastic Text Effect
- A Very Simple Animation Effect
- Dropping the Background out of a Bitmap Image
- Creating a Multicolored Ribbon Brush
- A Logo Makeover
Workbook 35 (April 2005) Zipped Version (855K)
- Xara's Paths Commands
- Creating Text Outlines with the Contour Tool
- Floating and Docking Toolbars
- Understanding RGB and CMYK Color Space
- A Logo Exploration
Workbook 34 (March 2005) Zipped Version (1000K)
- Egg’s Cave Brush
- Xara 3 Drawing Tools
- Creating a Reflection
- Getting Rid of the Dreaded White Fringe
- A Poster Design
Workbook 33 (February 2005) Zipped Version (1120K)
- CMYK Drop Shadows
- Elephant Hide
- Pigskin
- Image Slicing
- Wrapping Text Around an Object
Workbook 32 (December 2004) 5 HOLIDAY TUTORIALS Zipped Version (842K)
- A Holiday Angel
- Creating a Menorah
- A Decorative Christmas Tree
- Festive Holiday Ribbon Text
- A String of Holiday Lights
Workbook 31 (November 2004) NEW USERS GUIDE II Zipped Version (670K)
- Fills - Applying Fills
- Fills - Editing Colors
- Fills - Types of Fills
- Creating Cubes
- Creating Spheres
Workbook 30 (October 2004) NEW USERS GUIDE Zipped Version (595K)
- Creating a Rectangle and other Simple Shapes
- Selecting, Moving, and Rotating Objects
- Drawing with the Freehand and Brush Tool
- Resizing Objects
- Drawing with the Shape Editor Tool
- Path Commands
Workbook 29 (September 2004) Zipped Version (824K)
- Editing Digital Photos with XPE (Xara Picture Editor)
- Found Object Logos
- Combining Two Photos
- Create a Pattern Fill
- Photo Retouching with Xara X1 and XPE
Workbook 28 (August 2004) Zipped Version (536K)
- Creating Spot Color Soft Shadow
- Creating Spot Color Duotones
- More Logos, 1, 2, and 3
Workbook 27 (July 2004) Zipped Version (476K)
Creating your own logo and stationery
- Simple Logos
- Creating a 2-color business card
- Printing your own color letterhead and envelope
- Creating a PDF file for your printing company
Workbook 26 (June 2004) Zipped Version (815K)
5 easy projects for the new Xara Picture Editor (XPE)
- The best of both - correcting a dark photo
- Selective Focus
- Adding a new background
- A zoom lens effect
- Wrapping a photo around a cube
Workbook 25 (May 2004) Zipped Version (481K)
- Complete list of new and imp
- XPE Xara Picture Editor - It’s Quick and Easy
- New - Show Print Colors
- Exporting a Transparent PNG Layers into Photoshop
Workbook 24 (April 2004) Zipped Version (584K)
- Creating a custom control bar
- Another Rubber Stamp
- A shiny triangular thing
- A perfect 5-pointed star
- Fun with arrows
Workbook 23 (March 2004) Zipped Version (376K)
- GIFs with Transparent Backgrounds
- Creating CMYK TIFF Files
- Understanding and Using Pantone Colors
- PostScript and EPS Files
Workbook 22 (February 2004) Zipped Version (532K)
- Spirals - The Easy Way
- The Layer Gallery explained
- An Oval Brass Plaque
- Rippled Text Reflection
- A Valentine
Workbook 21 (December 2003) Zipped Version (864K)
- A Popcorn String
- A String of Holiday Lights
- Ross's Buckyball
- A Christmas Tree Ornament
- A Pine Tree Branch
Workbook 20 (November 2003) Zipped Version (603K)
- Xara Basics - Setting Page Units
- Xara Basics - Adding content to the Galleries
- Xara Basics - Editing Color
- Xara Basics - Transparent Backgrounds
- Xara Basics - GIF and 8-Bit PNG Export Options
Workbook 19 (October 2003) Zipped Version (660K)
- A simple cube
- A complex round-cornered cube
- A stone pyramid
- A block E
- A metal coiled spring
Workbook 18 (September 2003) Zipped Version (1.08MB)
- Canvas Texture
- Metallic Paint Texture (kind of)
- Stucco texture
- Sun-baked Earth Texture
- Old Rusted Metal Texture
Workbook 17 (August 2003) Zipped Version (899K)
- A slab of Sandstone
- Polished Marble (more or less)
- Making Water (the oceanic kind)
- Cloud-filled Blue Sky
- Pretty Good (actually Darned Good) Wood
Workbook 16 (July 2003) Zipped Version (665K)
- All Star Review - Creating the Perfect Star
- A Brass Plaque with Stars
- A Star Mosaic
- Stars on a Path
- A Quick-and-Easy Neon Star
Workbook 15 (June 2003) Zipped Version (813K)
- An animated rotating 3D pyramid
- More fun with Fotos
- A can of whirrled peas (can you visualize it?)
- Rope Tricks - Creating a rope brush
Workbook 14 (May 2003) Zipped Version (840K)
- Bitmap Spheres
- Blending Stroked Paths
- Fun With Type and Envelopes
- Bitmap Line Art and Transparency
- A Cool Beveled 3D Cube
Workbook 13 (April 2003) Zipped Version (708K)
- Photo Retouching - Brightening a Dark Shadow
- Creating Craters on Mars
- Helping Nature - Photo Enhancement
- More Glowing Text (two methods)
- Shimmering Text
Workbook 12 (March 2003) Zipped Version (855K)
- A Faded Photograph Effect
- A Glowing Candle
- A Sphere
- More Fun with Photos
- The Shadow Tool
Workbook 11 (February 2003) Zipped Version (1.05MB)
- A Compass Rose
- Perspective Checkerboard and Checkered Sphere
- A Wax Seal
- A Sparkling Diamond
Workbook 10 (January 2003) Zipped Version (887K)
- Creating a Quilted Effect
- More Fun with Photos
- Interlocking Rings
- Text on Both Sides of a Circle
Workbook 9 (December 2002) Zipped Version (930K)
- Creating a Pop Art Portrait
- A Floating Object Stereogram
- Duotone Bitmap Photograph Effect
- Chiseled Text
- A Holiday Snowflake
Workbook 8 (November 2002) Zipped Version (760K)
- Creating Cloth with Folds
- Web Graphics with Transparent Backgrounds
- Teardrops of Water
- A Gear
Workbook 7 (October 2002) Zipped Version (748K)
- Restoring Sharpness to a Resized Bitmap
- Creating a Bitmap Zoom Filter Effect
- Brushed Aluminum Effect
- A 3D Pie Chart
- Modifying a font to create a custom logotype
Workbook 6 (September 2002) Zipped Version (798K)
- Repeating Background Tile Images
- Glowing Text
- Sparkling Text
- Correcting dark or washed out photos
- Auto fx DreamSuite Gel Series
Workbook 5 (August 2002) Zipped Version (905K)
- Christine Farrelly’s Ribbon Technique
- Creating Concentric Spirals
- Making Lightning
- A Holiday Sparkler
- Xara 3D 5.0 Mini-tutorial
Workbook 4 (July 2002) Zipped Version (764K)
- Add life to a dull washed out B&W photo
- GEL effect revisited
- Xara NEON Text
- Ice Text
Workbook 3 (June 2002) Zipped Version (584K)
- Puffy clouds
- Lens Flares
- Rubber Stamp
- Cut Out Shapes
Workbook 2 (May 2002) Zipped version (596K)
- Adding Drama to Bitmap Images
- The Color Wheel
- Creating a Color Wheel
- Creating Copper
- Creating a Copper Tubular G
Workbook 1 (April 2002) Zipped Version (825K)
- Gold Plaque and Victorian Chrome Reflecting Ball
- XPal Palette creation utility
