Welcome to The Trompe L'Oeil
Room (a French phrase meaning "to fool the eye"). In this room I create monthly step-by-step tutorials using CorelDRAW and CorelXARA (Xara mostly) to create realistic illustrations.
The monthly tutorials can be viewed online. Each tutorial is also available Zipped in HTML format for you to download, and work through off-line. Go to the Xara Conference to ask questions, make comments, or for generalized schmoozing. Gary Priester's articles appear on Efuse.com where you'll find a new focus on web site makeovers. The ColorWheel
is a series on type and color at Designer.com Create
your own website online at GoBizGo.
Priester's articles appear in Communication Arts Magazine. His monthly web column/tutorial, Logos for the
Design Challenged can be seen at Unleashed Productions. The Makeover Maven is back doing logo makeovers at Son of the Makeover Maven.
Priester is co-author with Dave Huss of CorelDRAW Studio Techniques Osborne CorelPress, and the author of
Looking Good in Color, Ventana Press. CorelDRAW Studio Techniques can be purchased directly from Amazon.com by clicking on the link above. |