The Guest Tutorial series features mini-tutorials prepared by you, the Xara users. The guest tutorials will feature in-depth, step-by-step
explorations of Xara tips and tricks and how to information.
If you have an idea for a Guest Tutorial,
click here to send an e-mail with details on what will be covered.
Ivan Louette (the Brushmeister) shares his secrets for creating a red hot flaming fire brush effect and an elegant string of pearls brush effect. Going beyond Xara's powerful
brush capabilities, Ivan shows how to layer brushes and achieve amazingly beautiful results.
Eric Bramhill returns, this month showing how to turn a
photo of an old house into a work of art using Xara's Bitmap Tracer and Bevel Tool. Even if you think you already know how to achieve this effect, check out Eric's
tutorial, I'm sure you'll discover a new trick or two or three.
Ross Macintosh (right), shows you three ways to painlessly remove an
image from one photo and marry it seamlessly into another.
Terrific tutorial for users of all skill levels.
Guest Tutorial #6 Simple Photo Enhancing using Brightness, Contrast & Color
This simple tutorial show how to take a dark photographic image and using Xara's
Bitmap Effects > Brightness, Contrast, and Color filters, make it look like a bright, new photograph.
Isometric drawing is a method of plotting 2D objects to create the appearance of an
extruded 3D object. This technique, explained by this month's Guest Tutor, and expert isometric illustrator, John S. Clements, explains the basics for creating Isometric drawings. John also suggests advances
uses for this drawing method.
Guest Tutorial #4 Creating an Image Swap in Xara
When you finish this month's Guest Tutorial
prepared by Brian Etherington, you will be able to create an image swap. If you don't know what an image swap is, Click here to visit Brian's site and see it demonstrated on the image shown here. When you have finished, click on the
Hotspot image above to go to the tutorial, or press one of the buttons on Brian's demonstration.
Guest Tutorial #3 Creating complex drawings using layers
Is it a photo or is it art? Frank Wognum (a.k.a. Big Frank) shares his tips and tricks of working with Layers and color and reveals a secret
or two on how he created this photo-realistic image of his VW "Splitie". Click here to go to Guest Tutorial #3
Guest Tutorial #2 Creating a Scalable Map in Flash
Xara can put you on the map. Well, OK, you have to make the map yourself, then you can put yourself, or any other thing you want on it. In
Guest Tutorial #2, Eric (Egg) Bramhill
shows you how to create a map in Xara and how to make the map into a Flash movie.
Guest tutorial #1 should really be called Guest Tutorial #1/2
as we are still putting Eric Bramhill's map tutorial together.
This tutorial builds on the
April 01 Xara Tutorial, which recreated Apple's Aqua Gel Cap effect, and shows you how to create transparent, Gel-type text.