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Good T Room I believe this is the most visited Internet site dealing with tea in the Czech Republic. The entire site design and all components (except the photos and thumbnails) was created using Xara X. —Martin Pecina

StylWeb All site graphics were created with Xara. —Bruno Macca

tubebender All of my sites have used XARA products.
—Rob Picard

Elysium Gates The hundreds of pages of the web hosting site were all done with XARA, though most of the cartoons I did by hand then finished the effects in Xara. —Kythera Ann

BugBrain.com So far this is only my personal portfolio, but Bugbrain is slowly growing to a real studio for animation and I already have few very talented co-workers.
—Dusan Kastelic

Auction-air.com is a fun "sealed-bid" auction designed for airline passengers, but open to anyone over 18. Don't be put off by the small "Entry Fee" (£5/bid or less) because most things end up going for a substantial discount on RRP. —Alec Stewart

contact group We've been using Xara for many years. Needless to say, we shall continue to do so through its future incarnations. —Dick Fisher

Digital Arts User Group of Atlanta When you go to our "Gallery" and see items created by me in XaraX (and you will) … please be kind! —Tommy Westbrook

3D Font FX features loads of free downloadable Xara 3D source files and fonts. All X3D files are free for personal and commercial use. This is a recent site; it was launched about two weeks ago. We will continue to add more source files and possible mini tutorials on Xara 3D. —Chris

Buccaneer Bounty was built with FrontPage2000  and Xara Webstyle 2. —Ed

Dave Cowles 3D Caricatures.com The graphics are almost all done with Xara X. —Dave Cowles

Planet Capoeira is an online magazine for the Brazilian martial art of capoeira. Not only do I use Xara X to design the graphics for the site, I also use Xara X to design all our promotional materials - posters, t-shirt designs and more. Xara X has replaced photoshop as my main design tool.
—Brian Donnelly

Foxielane All of my sites in the main Index are put together using Xara3D. So the main index will work well with your theme. My Xara3D Font site is listed on this main Index. —Sherrie

Therm O Shield I made all the graphics for the site with Xara and Xara3D —A. Marie Alm

mFL I used Xara to create the myinternet Footy League Logo. I am quite pleased with my efforts. This is a statistical football competition Aussie Rules for schools in Australia where teachers utilise spreadsheets and practical mathematics in the classroom using this sporting theme.
—Renee Hoareau

Singer Instruments The whole site required images either from photographs or created graphics and all were edited or drawn in Xara. —Jan Singer

Light Vision is a small site which constitutes a gallery of my artwork. The main site graphics were created in Xara along with some of the artworks on display. —Simon Kelly

Sistemas Modernos de Caborca is a site en Español in which  the graphics were created in Xara. —Fernando Curiel