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Darklight sell lasertag equipment. This site was loads of fun to do because I wanted to capture in the graphics something of the fun of lasertag while refecting the Darklight corporate logo and background colour. I settled on a slightly techno look with lots of lasers and a colour palette that would appeal to the young audience.
John Arnold

Viasetti My site is created thanks to Xara 3d and Xara Webstyle. —Gianfranco Viasetti

Shipton & Heneage Shoes Ltd Website was designed using CorelXARA both for the visual layouts all the graphics apart from the photos. This mail-order-only "shoe shop" which has been in business for 10 years is already doing over 10% of its turnover through the website. —Alec Stewart

Boot Guard Almost all the graphics in this site, including banners and buttons, were built using Xara 2. —Rick Groves

Webster 2 Tutorials A site with some basic tutorials based on what I've discovered from doodling around in Webster.—Adil Hussein

Optic Bliss is my shameless self promotion. The nav images, icons for the art wings and of course the contents of the Vector Gallery are done in Xara 1 - 2. I've been enjoying Xara's software ever since Corel bought it. I wish they'd give it back. 8^) —Paul Joiner

Barbara Ellen Hats I designed the site mostly with Xara2. But please mention that I am a beginner graphics artist. Barbara Allen is my mother, she's 73! —Patrick Lockwood.

Culture Court I created all the graphics with Xara. Culture Court is a review of literature, film and media... although Film Court is the site that receives the most attention from me these days. —Lawrence Russell

bellissimalingerie.com I use Xara to produce all out highly artistic graphical sites and thought I send you the Url of the most recent and most visually impressive, all using Corel Xara: —Pete Trainor

artist4hire.net Many of my animations and most all of my clipart was made with Xara. I have some screen savers at my web site that I made with my Xara clipart, and a screen saver program. And it is all offered to the public for FREE! —Bruce Stawicki

Sail trim & Rig tuning  I have made most of the graphics of my website and in addition a whole illustrated sailing manual by Xara version 1.5. The book has now sold a total of 9.000 copies to more than 20 countries.
—Ivar Dedekam

Tutorial for Students of Intermediate Macroeconomics with lots of Gifs and animations created in CorelXara. —Manfred Gärtner

Lakeshore Ontario.Com Virtually all the graphics on my sites originate or pass through Xara at some point and time. I use Frontpage 2000 for my page design and am now using Xara to customize my own themes.  —Phillip Rutledge

PixelPoint Productions I use Xara as my primary design tool for every site I've created. It's fast rendering - precise control and well designed interface has made it my drawing tool of choice.  —Nina Vecchi

FertilityDoctor.com User interface design done for a fertility clinic by Quai, Inc.  —John Moore

gleneagles.com Won award for best website by an individual outlet at the 1999 Hospitality Solutions Awards. —Malcolm Laurie