RGB To HEX If the requirements for creating HTML files had been created by me, you
would specify color using words like red, or dark red, or reddish orange, and so forth. There are two chances of my ever saying make the headline FF0000.Slim, and extremely slim. At most, I might use RGB (Red Green and Blue)
values to describe a color.But I would never have invented the HTML language either. Or the clock, or the adding machine, the refrigerator, or the atom bomb for that matter. So I guess someone had to invent HTML language and
specifications and that determined that colors would be expressed in Hexadecimal language which my dictionery describes as "of, relating to, or being a number system with a base of 16." Now I know that Robert H. Olley, and some
of the less mathematically-challenged readers out there will know exactly what a number system with a base of 16 means. But your editor (that's me) had to take Algebra several times to get a passing grade.
But here's what I do know. Web-safe, or non-dithering colors, contain one of six RGB values: 0, 51, 102, 153, 204, or 255. This creates the possibility of 216
colors, which is the exact number of web-safe colors. Co-incidence? You decide. And I do know the Hexadecimal equivilants for these 6 values. |