The Xara Xone Workbook


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Creating a Sparkle Brush

Now that you are thoroughly confused about the Freehand and Brush Tool Custom Brush creation, let’s create a simple brush and maybe it will all make sense. Then again...

Xara Xone Workbook - Creating and Editing a Custom Brush

Select the QuickShape Tool (Shift F2) and create a series of small Quick Shapes. Apply Linear fills like those shown above to create a metallic look.


Xara Xone Workbook - Creating and Editing a Custom Brush

Select all the shapes, then switch to the Freehand and Brush Tool (F3 or N). Click Create Bush. Name your new brush Sparkle Brush and press OK.

Draw a curved line with the new brush.


Xara Xone Workbook - Creating and Editing a Custom Brush

Click Edit Brush. Make the edits shown above. Press Save when you are done to save your modifications.

That’s all there is to it.


Xara Xone Workbook - Creating and Editing a Custom Brush

Here’s a few serving suggestions. I applied the brush to a spiral creating with Dmitry Malutin’s SPXE Spiral utility that you can download for free in the Xara Xone Shareware page. And I created line art for the word SPARKLE and applied my brush.

Comments, questions, suggestions, are always welcome and greatly appreciated. Use the Send e-mail link below.

Gary W. Priester
Your Editor

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