Xara Xone The Xara Xone Guest Tutorial
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Select the red button. Open the Web Properties > Link section.
In the Link to Web Address text entry box enter
javascript:my_close(’player1’). Remember to press Apply and close the
dialog. This will close the player when the red button is clicked.
From the File menu, select Preview Website, or press the Export and
Preview Website icon. If your link to your website and sound file is
correct, and if the MP3 sound file is in the root directory of your
website, the player will appear when you press the LISTEN button. You
can have several players, but each requires its own layer and links.
Here’s a working example of the player. It links to an MP3 Tune I
recently downloaded from Amazon.com called Fireflies by the group Owl
City. There are other free players available that you can also try. Here’s
a list of links:
PremiumBeat.com A full featured set of music players that are offered
on a free and shareware basis.
Blogcastone.com A free site where you can upload an MP3 file and
automatically embed the file in a zippy expandable player.
AnyVideo-Converter.com A free downloadable utility to convert audio
and video files.
DVDVideoSoft.Com  Another free downloadable suite of tools for
converting video and audio files.
Many thanks to Steve Ledger (sledger) for his invaluable and generous
help in writing this tutorial.
Your comments, questions, suggestions are always welcome.
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