Gary's Guest Tutorial  Page 3

From the Slider Types drop down list, select Light Elevation. Set the Light Elevation setting to 80% by moving the slider to the right.

Select the Contour Tool. Click the duplicate text that you made a few moments ago to select it.

Drag any of the red arrows towards the center of the text to apply a basic contour. Click the small icon on the Infobar with the inverted U to apply a Round Join. Change the Size of the contour to 8.0. Change the Number of Steps to 1. Press Enter on your keyboard to apply the Steps change. Finally press the Insert Path icon (shown top right) on the Infobar. This eliminates everything but the inner contour.

Using the Selector Tool, position the contoured text over the beveled text as shown. Change the fill color to white by pressing the white color square on the screen palette with the left button (the right applies the outline color).

You can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the contoured shape as well. Hold down the Alt key to move a tiny amount.