Some vector shapes below for the above 3D image The cannon joint is in fact a single pixel extruded in X3D to a 'Depth' of 8 (in 'Extrusion options) and the 'Bevel options' that I set mine at, was 'Rounded', 'Depth' 71. When making such big extrusions, other objects will be pushed slightly out of position. The Turret cab is also another example. For this reason, it is always better to add such objects at the beginning when using X3D6.
I have not included some of the smaller vector objects shown in the above X3D image. Once you have got this far, you can hopefully experiment with creating and pasting new shapes. You may want to add bevels to some of the shapes according to your desire as I have not included all of mine for this tutorial for the sake of brevity.
The Xara Xone Guest Tutorials ©2006 Gary W. Priester All rights reserved