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Beveled Pipes Tutorial ©2006 Thomas Käflein

We need to create a T-shape for where one pipe joins another.  With the Shape Editor Tool draw two separate lines to make a T-shape as shown above left. (The colors are just to illustrate the combine shapes process). Make the lines 1pt thick with the same 30% Black light gray color you used before.

Select both lines and select Arrange – Combine Shapes – Add Shapes (or press Ctrl 1).

For the small ring that simulates the ending of the connector we use the same procedure but give it a Bevel Width of 4pix (shown above, bottom right).

When we put these connectors over the pipes they don’t really look very realistic. The ends should be straight instead of curved. You’re probably thinking, simple, just cut the ends off. You’re right. Almost.

You see, if you cut off any parts from beveled shapes the fill changes to a bitmap. That is correct! Bitmap! This means that if you rotate the connectors, the highlights and shadows won’t look right anymore. The shadows and highlights are going in the wrong direction. All Bevels are in fact, bitmaps, but they are also “Live Effects” which is why when you rotate a beveled object, the highlights and shadows change to reflect the next position. Once you cut off the end of a beveled object, it is no longer a Live Effect.

So here is an easier way to fix this.


Beveled Pipes Tutorial ©2006 Thomas Käflein

Make three clones (Ctrl k) of your T-shaped connector. Rotate them so each one faces in a different direction. One facing up, one facing down, one facing left and one facing right. While the shapes are still original beveled the shadows and highlights are adjusted as the shape is rotated as you see.

Now we can cut off the ends of the pipes.

Draw a rectangle, position it over the end of one connector, select both and select Arrange – Combine Shapes – Subtract Shapes (or press Ctrl 2).

The ends are cut off and the shape is converted into a group – containing the line and the shape with the bitmap fill.

Position the connector over the pipes, add the rings – and this stage of the drawing is done.



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The Xara Xone Guest Tutorials ©2006 Gary W. Priester All rights reserved
Tutorials are for private use only. No text or images may be used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the author.