WEBSITE AND WEBSITE GRAPHICS CREATED WITH XARA DESIGNER 6 PRO Create a magenta placeholder and add the text <head> and group the text with the rectangle. With the magenta rectangle selected, click the Names yellow tag icon on the Infobar. Key in <head> in the Apply Name: text entry box and press Add. Include the angle brackets <> This adds the placeholder script to the HEAD portion of the HTML document. Highlight the text shown below and copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl c). <style type="text/css"> /*Default CSS for pan containers*/ .pancontainer{ position:relative; /*keep this intact*/ overflow:hidden; /*keep this intact*/ border:5px solid white; } </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="index_htm_files/jquery.min.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="index_htm_files/imagepanner.js"> </script> Select the magenta rectangle then open the Placeholder dialog (Website Properties). Click inside the Replace with HTML Code text entry window and paste the script (Edit > Paste or Ctrl v). Press APPLY. If you have not already done so, move your placeholders off the page. The CONTAINER: Drag’n’drop my-image.jpg from the Resource Files  folder onto the page. Resize the image to 300 x 421 pixels. This colour version will be our zoom container placeholder for the zooming hi-resolution image, so select the high resolution image, copy the script below, and paste the code in the Placeholder > Replace with HTML Code: text entry box. Press APPLY. <div class="pancontainer" data-orient="center" data-canzoom="yes" style="width:300px; height:421px;"> <img src="index_htm_files/my-image.jpg" width="300" height="421"/> </div> The text in green is the dimensions of the scaled placeholder you created from the image. If you use a different image change the dimensions as needed. H    1    2    3    4    Download Zipped Tutorial