Viewing the Animation

  • Click the New Animation icon (next to the new page icon on the Property Bar) or select New...Animation from the File menu.
  • From the File menu, select Import.
  • From the Files of Type: drop-down list, select Compuserve Gif.
  • Browse to the directory where you Exported your animation, click-select the animation, and click Open.
    Click the Preview All Frames icon on the Property Bar. This opens the Preview All Frames animation player (are we surprised?). If the animation is not already playing, click the Play button (as shown in the screen shot). The other buttons are Stop, Next Frame, and Previous Frame.
    Here's the final animation. Not too bad, you think? Because we used the Browser Palette option the image will display consistently on most browsers and on most platforms. The Error Diffusion dithering option smooths the image. Whereas this dithering would be noticeable on a still frame, it's less obvious when used with animation.

    On the next page, we'll look at two variations of the animation.

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    ©1998 Gary W. Priester
    This lesson may not be copied, altered, republished or distributed in any type of media without the express written permission of the author.