September 2001
Vladimyr Savvateew
I live in Siberia near picturesque Lake Baykal. I'm work in an aviation plant as an engineer-designer. My professional duty is 3D modeling. My hobby is computer
graphic arts. I have been doing computer images for about 5 years. In this period I have worked with a lot of graphics applications.
For a period of time, I was very impressed with 3D graphics and found them
to be very interesting. In each image I created the world, actions, and movement. I thought 3D graphics gave me unlimited creative freedom.
But after some time, I saw that 3D graphics programs have very
distinct limits in the capacity as an art tool. Robots, monsters, photorealistic images of the objects, are easy to create. But the life and soul is missing.
I asked all of the people I know who work in 3D
graphics about this, but nobody could explain to me how I could add life and soul to my 3D application-created images. I saw many images created by the best 3D artists and in none of these images did I find I
So I was searching for an application where I can realize my aspirations and vision. I discovered vector graphics. And later, I discovered XARA. I understood at once that this was what I was
searching for! It was exactly a fine arts tool. It was like painting in oil. Paint, mixture of paint and stroke by stroke! But it did not get my hands dirty, and there was no need to clean my brushes with solvent!
Beyond this, it all depends on your imagination and ability. Once you master the tools, all the power to create images with life and soul are there.