Volcano ©Gary W. Priester
I first became interested, no make that obsessed, with Stereograms, about 10 years ago when I saw an article in Publish Magazine. I contacted the author and said I would pay
him to teach me how to create the hidden 3D images. It was money well spent.
Creating hidden image Stereograms became a hobby and I created a Website with a few dozen of my images. I did not
expect anything else to come of it. But about 5 years ago, I was contacted by a Japanese publisher, Takarajimasha Inc. in
Tokyo who wanted to license some of my images. I was skeptical but 5 years later it has become a regular gig for me and I provide them about 60 images a year for a group of
publications they call MOOKS (Magazine-bOOK).
Last year I published two books with a British publisher, Arcturus, a small book of 40 images and a large coffee table
sized book containing 100 of my Stereogram images and 100 images of another excellent American Stereogram designer. You can order the book from Amazon.com UK here. I also created
about a half dozen commercial images for a variety of companies. The most interesting of these is for a Japanese chef who is opening an Italian Restaurant in Tokyo and plans to
print a Stereogram containing his logo ASO in the center of the dinner plates. (You can see the image on Page 3). It amuses
me to think of a dining room full of diners staring down at their empty plates trying to see the 3D image hidden on their plate.
I use Xara to create all the depth maps and panels for my Stereograms and two Stereogram creation software products to compile the images: Stereogram Explorer and 3D Miracle. Both produce excellent results.
I hope you enjoy the challenge of seeing these images as much as I have enjoyed creating the images. If you have any
questions about Stereograms, feel free to e-mail me. I also create custom Stereograms on commission.
This month's (February 2005) Xara X Tutorial takes you step
-by-step through the process of creating a Hidden and Floating Image Stereogram. Be sure to check it out as it will give you an idea of what goes into each of the Stereograms in this month's gallery.
When I am not cranking out Stereogram images, I do Website and logo design and a small amount of advertising. You can visit my Website www.gwpriester.com to see examples of my
design work. And my labor of love, as you know, is the Xara Xone.
Click here for a Gallery of more Stereograms on the Graphics
.com Website.
All images are © by their creators and may not be
copied or reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the artist
XARA Artists Wanted!
We are always looking for new artists to feature on this page. If you would like to be considered for
one of the future featured artists Group Shows, Click Here to contact us. Send one or two JPEG or GIF images, about 600 pixels wide. And please keep the file size under 100K. Add Xara Group Show to the
Subject line of your message.
The Xara Xone ©2005 Gary W. Priester All rights reserved.