Well, I don't really know what to say about this image. It is an idea I have had in mind for a while, whitch I originally wanted to do as a
3D render. The reflections in the "planetary cap" in the 3D rendering brought up some problems - the spheres reflected the ground and then it became visible that I had only modelled the head of the alien, and the
model was "cut off" below the shoulders. I dropped the 3D project, but thought I could pick it up as a Xara project instead when Gary anounced that December featured artist will be a group show.
I also had a hard time coming up with a title of the image, so the project name is still "Just For Fun" a.k.a. "The Grass Is
Greaner On The Other Side" a.k.a. "Have Space Cap, Want To Travel" a.k.a. "OOOOOH!" a.k.a. "DROOOOL". Why not write me a line and give me your suggestion what I should name the picture?
Paul Söderholm Raiso, Finland