Xara Featured Artists Group Show 2001 Page 2

©Emanuel Brito

September 11 was created from scratch apart from the eagle element which is a Corel 5 symbol and has an emotional and intuitive value for me.

I was deeply saddened and concerned with the WTC attack. Believing in spiritual life beyond our material and physical boundaries my concern goes to all the souls of those people who dreams where devastated and love for life was brutally terminated. May the God I believe in receive them all. Everyday I not only think about those who perished but about those Fireman dealing with the situation. They are the eyes of things we cannot and do not wish to see and their lives will be forever changed by it. To all of them my prayers go.

So, I started the September 11 image as the construction of a memory I had in my mind. It is a simple image with 82 objects in 2 layers. The man/woman is a universal symbol of mankind. The blast behind him is mixed with the sun and represents a new light of hope. He is crying for all those taken in a spiral of time. The second plan represents people souls. Their eyes are closed and symbolize the rupture with material life and the waiting serenity of awakening to a new life. The paper flying on the left represents time passing by. The flag unites the sky as a an element common to all. The two stylized cities represent the lower one the reconstruction and cadence of time; the left one the memory and disrupted fraction of time where the event happened. The eagle, an American symbol takes the human tear and represents hope and the unbreakable spirit of America together with the holly spirit. Because the dove must act as an eagle to protect their children. Taking the tears, the eagle will take the souls to the sky and give them peace and protection. The stars represent our origin and destiny.

Emanuel Brito
Lisbon, Portugal