Now for the dingbats. Both of the dingbat fonts I used can be downloaded for free. First the decorative border is Border Corners 2 lower case s. The windmill is
Dutchmen lower case t. (Or you can get just the symbols we are using in this XAR file).
After you have downloaded and installed the fonts, type each letter in a separate text box and resize so you can see. Convert to editable shapes and change the
colour to R-6. For the border corner I set the fill to none and the outline to 1 pix.

Clone the border corners image (Ctrl+K) and flip the border corner, select both and clone and flip again. You should now have four corner pieces, arrange them
on the tile and place the windmill in the center. As Delft tiles are traditionally hand painted this does not have to be exactly perfect, but it should be close.
Now we have a beautiful Dutch looking tile, but it is too perfect to be a 300 year old antique.