Chuck Currey I am a health professional and an educator. My interest in computer graphics grew out of frustration with the limited availability of medical clip-art for illustrating PowerPoint
presentations, web tutorials, Flash animations, and other learning resources for my students. Yes, there is medical clip-art out there, but it often misses the mark in terms of detail or impact. Clip-art, or
scanned images from texts, rarely contain exactly what I need to demonstrate some teaching point. My solution was to create my own medical illustrations with Xara. This allows me greater control
over content, and produces images with a consistent style that complements my lectures.
Like many of you, I also like to experiment with XaraX. I particularly like to squeeze as much
photo-realism out of the vector format as I can. Typically, I'll start with digital photographs and use them as a models for my vector work. Xara's gradient and transparency fills, and the
feathering tool, are indispensable for this kind of art.
Over the years, Gary and the Talkgraphics forum have provided me with a great deal of
inspiration - and loads of valuable tutorials and tips too! Keep up the good work.
Penny O'Rorke I've always painted, drawn, designed and made things when I've had time and now that I'm retired (from a variety of jobs, mostly media and retail, and bringing up a family) and have
discovered Xara, life is great. I use Xara for childrens' prints, designs for mousemats, t-shirts, cards, invitations etc., and other decorative work, as well as having a huge amount of fun. I also
teach basic computing, mostly to the very young or very old.