My early cartoon drawings were terrible. For my first sale, the magazine editor mistakenly thought I had sent him a rough draft and asked if I
could make my drawings look "more professional." I was too embarrassed to tell him that was the best I could draw (and was too cheap to send back the check.) In desperation, I taught myself how to draw
cartoons using CorelDraw 3.0 and a mouse. It wasn't easy but my cartoons were published. Eventually I upgraded to CorelDraw 5.0 and finally to my current software CorelXara 2.0. I also switched from a mouse to a Wacom
tablet. Eventually becoming a digital cartoonist paid off. While most of the other Systems Analysts at work had boring assignments, I specialized in Intranet and Internet web design featuring cartoon animations. I
also became a feature cartoonist with Document Management magazine in the mid-80s and have sold cartoons to Enterprise Systems Journal, Datamation
and other national magazines. Currently, I am preparing my strip HyperTex the Technological Cowboy for submission to cartoon syndicates. I also sell comic books on my website www.hypertex.bizland.com
In fact, if sales continue, I might become a hundred-aire by the end of the year!Cecilia Elman |